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Inpatient vs Residential Treatment

Patient weighing the options of inpatient vs residential mental health treatment.

When is a person interned in an inpatient facility? When are they entered into residential treatment? Are the two one and the same? Or is there a significant difference? Whether you are a friend, a family member, a close loved one, or a caretaker, knowing the difference can be crucial – especially if your loved…

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Overcoming New Year Depression and Sadness

Overcoming New Year depression and sadness

Are you feeling down and depressed after the new year? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with New Year depression and sadness. Typically a new year means new opportunities and new chances for success, right? Well, not always. The new year can be surprisingly depressive, especially if you have the habit of placing unrealistic expectations…

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10 Mental Health Resolutions for a Bright, New Year

10 mental health resolutions for a bright, new year

Just as the end of a year lends itself towards a moment of contemplation and self-reflection, the start of a new year is the best time to recommit yourself to improved mental health and mental well-being. But how can you make sure that the commitment sticks this time? The key is to set mental health…

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Celebrate Mental Wellness Month this January

Celebrate mental wellness month this January

Mental Wellness Month aims to help people recognize the importance of nurturing their mental health, regardless of their current condition. Mental health resources – such as therapy and treatment – are not exclusive to cases of severe mental illness. They can help countless people cope with life’s stressors and keep them from making poor decisions or struggling needlessly…

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