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mental health treatment

mental health treatment


Mental health struggles can make it difficult to meet the demands of daily life and engage with the people and activities that once brought joy and a sense of fulfillment. Symptoms can cloud judgment, undermine focus, overtake moods, and manifest in behaviors with harmful and unexpected consequences that impact one’s relationships, profession, education, and achievements. Though many mental health disorders initially onset in adolescence and the early 20s, they often go unrecognized and untreated because the mood changes and behaviors are misinterpreted as pubescent hormones and youthful growing pains. Thus many adults learn to push aside the worries, fog, panic, nausea, and emotional ups and downs - a tactic that works for some and not for others - until their emotional and mental reserves are taxed or until something gives - dropping out, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, illness, DUI/DWI, job loss, divorce, a global pandemic.


"early and comprehensive intervention can help reduce the severity of an illness and may even delay or prevent a major mental illness."


Whether you are experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma, social isolation or repeated relationship failure, many adults silently suffer through the early manifestations of mental health issues, expending extraordinary effort to meet everyday responsibilities; questioning their abilities; and navigating the social attribution of their symptoms to their character and worth. Even with advancements in medicine and social institutions, the stigma of a mental health disorder can still deter talented, creative, and successful individuals and their loved ones from seeking support and mental health treatment, unaware of the current research indicating that early and comprehensive intervention can help reduce the severity of an illness and may even delay or prevent a major mental illness.

Lone person journaling about mental health while sitting on an outdoor rock walkway.


At Amend Treatment, assessment, care, and mental health treatment is provided by an experienced multidisciplinary team of health professionals including an expert licensed psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, nurse, nutritionist, fitness coach, acupuncturist, and support staff who will work with you to understand your symptoms, assess your needs, and develop ways to better navigate the difficulties that come with adulthood and can be exasperated by mental health challenges.


"Our goal is to work with you and your loved ones to move beyond addressing symptoms to addressing underlying causes"


With a minimum stay of 30 days (average stay can be 45 to 60 days) in a beautiful and lush, home-like setting with contemporary amenities and comfortable accommodations, you will receive individualized care and offered therapy with a member of your treatment team. Our goal is to work with you and your loved ones to move beyond addressing symptoms to addressing underlying causes while providing tools that foster resiliency and positive and lasting changes.

Our comprehensive approach is informed by research data that indicates that persons with mental health disorders have an increased chance of developing long term physical health conditions, developing a substance use disorder, and are at greater risk for suicidal thoughts and attempts – an impact that the National Institute on Mental Health (NAMI) deems “the ripple effect of mental illness.”

Person planting marigolds in a garden.
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