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Luxury PTSD Treatment Center

luxury ptsd treatment center - amend treatment

Have you been struggling with feelings of anxiety? Have you been re-experiencing events, or are fighting back against unwanted, intrusive thoughts ever since you were young? Did an event – the loss of a loved one, or even watching someone close to you struggle with trauma – have you feeling off-balance for several weeks, months, or even years now? Then you may be experiencing the signs and symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Consider exploring the benefits of a luxury PTSD treatment center. These centers provide a serene and comforting environment that can significantly enhance your recovery process. Amend Treatment offers several such programs, modalities, and therapies to help you manage and reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

We can help you build the tools needed to better deal with stressors in everyday life, and overcome past traumas through thorough long-term PTSD treatment, utilizing research-based modalities such as EMDR and somatic experiencing.

Work with us to regain control over your life and your thoughts. Give us a call at (833) 912-6363, to learn more about our methods and therapeutic plans as a luxury PTSD treatment center.


Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most commonly diagnosed trauma disorder, and one of the most well-known mental health conditions, yet few people know how prevalent it can be. While PTSD is known to develop in survivors of war and violence, it can develop as a result painful memories of any traumatic event, and even through secondary trauma.

Research tells us that about 7 or 8 out of 100 people will develop PTSD at some point in their lives. Women are more likely to develop and experience symptoms of PTSD than men. Genes also play a role – some people are more likely to struggle with PTSD than others. Knowing your family medical history, can help you determine your personal risk for PTSD.

PTSD is not to be confused with a natural fight-or-flight reaction. It is normal to react differently to certain triggers after a significant event. It is also certainly normal to feel fear or panic in moments of danger. These emotions and reactions are usually involuntary, and part of the body and mind’s own defense mechanisms.

But when a person struggles with PTSD, these defense mechanisms may have been overloaded significantly, to the point that they continue to affect a person’s experiences, thoughts, memories, mood, and cognition for weeks, months, and even years to come. People with PTSD may be more anxious than they were before and may feel stressed or even frightened when there is no danger around.


PTSD is characterized by the prevalence of specific symptoms, categorized into symptoms of re-experiencing, avoidance, reactivity, and cognitive symptoms.

Re-Experiencing Symptoms

    • Nightmares and recurring dreams.

    • Intrusive thoughts and unwanted, taboo, or frightening lines of thinking.

    • Reliving the trauma at random points in the day – including panic attacks, hyperventilation, random sweating, and feelings of dread.

    • Responding strongly to reminders and triggers for a traumatic event.

Avoidance Symptoms

    • Avoiding everything related to the event – people, places, thoughts, even feelings.

    • Purposefully going out of your way to avoid the site of a traumatic event, or avoid its triggers (no longer riding elevators, avoiding cars, etc.)

    • Making sweeping lifestyle changes to avoid potential triggers, including moving someplace else.

Amend Treatment | Avoidance Symptoms

Reactivity or Arousal Symptoms

    • Being incredibly jumpy, much more likely to scare.

    • Constantly tense and easily fatigued as a result.

    • Uncontrollable irritation, sudden outbursts over relatively small issues.

    • Much lower threshold for anxiety than before.

Cognitive or Mood Symptoms

    • Inability to manage mood.

    • Loss of interest in old hobbies, loss of joy.

    • Trouble remembering key elements of the trauma, misremembering things.

    • Difficulty retaining information.

    • Lowered focus and inability to concentrate as well as before.

    • Inexplicable feelings of overwhelming guilt or shame, at random times.

    Amend Treatment | Emotional Numbness

Signs and symptoms from all four categories must be present for a person to be diagnosed with PTSD. In other words, having nightmares or flashbacks to a traumatic event without other PTSD symptoms does not necessarily mean you are struggling with PTSD. What sets PTSD apart is how these individual symptoms can negatively affect a person’s own mental health condition, resilience and ability to cope with day-to-day stressors, as well as signs of significant impairment in life.

PTSD can develop over time, and as a rule, does not occur immediately after a traumatic event. However, you do not need to wait to be diagnosed to seek professional help or therapy for your anxious thoughts and nightmares. It’s always better to find someone to talk to or seek out PTSD treatment than to ignore these signs and hope that they might go away.



PTSD is triggered by a traumatic event, which can differ from case to case. No form of trauma will guarantee PTSD, and the magnitude of a person’s symptoms might not correspond to the severity or type of trauma they experienced. Sometimes, PTSD can be caused by accumulative stress, or chronically stressful events, rather than a single key event – for example, developing PTSD as a result of several hospital stints and medical trauma, rather than one massively traumatic event.

Trauma can come in all shapes and forms. Some examples of traumatic events include:

  • Getting hurt, or watching others get hurt.

  • Abuse at home, especially among children.

  • Living through a frightening or dangerous situation, such as a home invasion, car accident, or natural disaster.

  • Feeling helpless, such as when a loved one dies suddenly or as a result of a terminal illness.

  • Lack of social support and comfort during or after a traumatic event can make PTSD more likely.

  • Certain co-dependent mental health issues and risk factors raise the risk of PTSD, including a history of anxiety disorders, depression, and substance use issues.


Luxury Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment

Amend Treatment | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Although there is no medication or cure for PTSD, there are post traumatic stress disorder treatment methods that help people reduce symptoms, and manage their PTSD to bring it to a controllable level.

Many PTSD symptoms are made worse by an overactive fight-or-flight response – therapeutic methods that aim to resolve trauma, improve mental resilience through exposure, or help improve a person’s capacity to relax and resolve anxious thoughts can lead to long-term results in improving PTSD symptoms.


Types Of PTSD Treatment Programs

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

Amend Treatment | Treating Trauma

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a specialized form of therapy, which is designed to help individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This treatment modality is specifically geared towards addressing and challenging the thoughts and beliefs related to the traumatic event that triggered the PTSD. CPT is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that aims to reduce symptoms of PTSD such as re-experiencing trauma, avoidance of reminders, and persistent hyperarousal or reactivity.

By managing these symptoms, CPT can significantly improve an individual’s overall mental well-being. Alongside CPT, there are also several other research-based modalities like EMDR and somatic experiencing, which have been found effective in managing and reducing PTSD symptoms.


Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET)

Amend Treatment | Narrative Exposure Therapy

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) is an evidence-based treatment designed specifically for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), particularly those who experienced multiple and complex trauma. This short-term therapy method utilizes the power of storytelling to facilitate healing from past traumatic experiences.

In NET, a chronological narrative about the client’s trauma is created, allowing them to gain a comprehensive understanding of their traumatic experiences. The therapy process includes creating a lifeline, detailing both positive and negative life events, and revisiting traumatic events in detail.


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Amend Treatment | Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) therapy is effective in helping individuals manage and reduce the symptoms of PTSD, which can include re-experiencing, avoidance, reactivity, and cognitive symptoms.

MBSR therapy involves techniques such as EMDR and somatic experiencing, which are designed to help individuals process past traumas and regain control over their thoughts and lives.


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a highly effective treatment strategy for individuals suffering from PTSD. This therapeutic approach helps individuals manage and reduce the symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, enabling them to regain control over their lives and thoughts.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy focuses on enhancing mental resilience and coping mechanisms, enabling individuals to better deal with daily stressors and overcome past traumas. It’s important to note that PTSD can develop over time and doesn’t necessarily always trigger symptoms that occur immediately after a traumatic event.


Benefits Of A Luxury PTSD Treatment Center

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a debilitating condition that can affect anyone who has experienced a traumatic event. A luxury PTSD treatment center offers the best treatment and a comprehensive approach to healing, providing numerous benefits for those struggling with this challenging disorder.

Professional Support

Amend Treatment | Treatment Program

Luxury PTSD treatment centers are staffed with a clinical team of experienced professionals who specialize in trauma-related disorders. They understand the complexities of PTSD and offer personalized treatment plans to address each individual’s unique needs.


Therapeutic Environment

Amend Treatment | PTSD Rehab Center

A luxury PTSD treatment center should provide a safe, supportive environment where individuals can focus solely on their recovery. The tranquil settings often include amenities like meditation rooms, fitness facilities, and comfortable accommodations, promoting overall well-being.


Holistic Treatment Approach

Amend Treatment | Holistic Treatment Programs

Our luxury PTSD treatment center utilizes a holistic approach to healing. This includes cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, mindfulness practices, family therapy, and sometimes even art or animal-assisted therapy.


Peer Support

Amend Treatment | Peer Support

Being around others who are going through similar experiences can be incredibly therapeutic. These centers provide opportunities for group therapy sessions and social interactions, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.


Aftercare Planning

Amend Treatment | Aftercare Planning

Beyond the initial treatment, these centers often provide ongoing support to help prevent relapse. This might include follow-up appointments, support groups, or resources for continued care in the patient’s home community.

It can take time for symptoms of PTSD to be resolved, and clients should not expect immediate progress. However, getting started sooner rather than later can give you a better shot at recovery and regaining control over your life. Call Amend Treatment at (833) 912-6363, learn more about our luxury PTSD treatment center and get started today.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to recover from PTSD?

Recovery from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) varies significantly from person to person, depending on various factors like the severity of the trauma, individual resilience, and access to timely and effective treatment.


How long is PTSD treatment?

The duration of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) treatment varies on the specific needs of the individual. There are factors such as the severity of their symptoms, their individual response to therapy, and their personal commitment to treatment.


Can PTSD lead to other mental health conditions?

PTSD may simultaneously exist with other mental health conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse disorders.


Luxury PTSD Treatment Center at Amend Treatment

Although there is no medication or cure for PTSD, there are post-traumatic stress disorder treatment methods that help people reduce symptoms, and manage their PTSD to bring it to a controllable level.

Many PTSD symptoms are made worse by an overactive fight-or-flight response – therapeutic methods that aim to resolve trauma, improve mental resilience through exposure, or help improve a person’s capacity to relax and resolve anxious thoughts can lead to long-term results in improving PTSD symptoms.

It can take time for symptoms of PTSD to be resolved, and clients should not expect immediate progress. However, getting started sooner rather than later can give you a better shot at regaining control over your life. Contact Amend Treatment at (833) 912-6363, and get started today.

Contact Amend Treatment