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What to Expect from a Luxury Mental Health Treatment Center

Luxury mental health treatment center in Malibu

A luxury mental health treatment center, or plainly put – mental health treatment center, is a specialized clinic that offers outpatient and inpatient residential treatment programs with a focus on long-term treatment for individuals with mental health conditions that require a more intensive care program than the services of a single therapist but less intensive and…

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National Stress Awareness Day on Nov 2

International Stress Awareness Day on November 2

This coming November 2nd is International Stress Awareness Day, marked by the International Stress Management Association. International Stress Awareness Day has been celebrated since 2018, with the aim of addressing the realities of everyday stressors and their impact on communities and individuals alike, as well as destigmatizing conversations around stress in our daily lives and the…

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Identifying the Different Subtypes of OCD

Identifying the different subtypes of OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the subtypes of OCD are one of the most misunderstood and mischaracterized mental health issues in modern media and public consciousness. However, it is also surprisingly common, with a lifetime prevalence of about 2.3 percent in US adults. OCD is a difficult condition to live with. About half of adults diagnosed with…

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Anxiety vs Nervousness: Are They the Same?

Anxiety vs nervousness: Are they the same?

Anxiety vs nervousness. Are they the same thing? In many ways, they are synonymous. However, they become quite different given certain contexts. For example, being anxious is not quite the same thing as struggling with anxiety, which is not quite the same thing as an anxiety disorder. Similarly, anxiety and nervosity are two different things, and being anxious and being nervous…

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What is Double Depression Disorder?

What is double depression disorder?

Double depression disorder is a diagnosis of two concurrent mental health issues: major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder. The term is exclusive to a diagnosis of these two conditions together; a diagnosis of two different depressive disorders or two unrelated mental health issues with mood symptoms is not always called double depression. Double depression is not…

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Trying Holistic Therapy for Mental Health

Trying holistic therapy for mental health

Mental health treatment programs can generally be divided into three categories: pharmacology, talk therapy, and other treatments. Most cases are addressed primarily through talk therapy and medication, rather than experiential treatments like holistic therapy for mental health. While most people know about antidepressants like Prozac and , fewer people know about alternative treatment, neurofeedback, or nerve…

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5 Ways to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder this Fall

5 ways to combat seasonal affective disorder this fall

Do you happen to find yourself struggling to keep your spirits up during the holiday season? Do you have a much harder time getting out of bed in the winter? Are the long nights and short days making you feel more tired, less active, and generally far less able to enjoy the colder months? Have…

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Combatting Stigma on World Mental Health Day

Combatting Stigma on World Mental Health Day

October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and this year, we want to highlight mental health stigma and how to address it.  Despite growing awareness and significant progress in both the perception and treatment of mental health issues throughout the world, we still have a ways to go when it comes to improving access to…

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Coping with Mental Health and Breast Cancer

Coping with mental health and breast cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, in which different organizations and foundations emphasize the importance of diagnostic visits, the use of diagnostic tools, and early detection of breast tumors. Predictably, mental health and breast cancer may intertwine and significantly impact your overall well-being and physical health. Statistically, one in eight women in the US will be diagnosed…

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