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How a Luxury Rehab Center Can Benefit You

How a luxury rehab center can benefit you

Treating an addiction takes time. While we have made considerable progress in addressing and treating substance use disorder through both psychiatric treatment and medication, there is still no “cure” for an addiction. For the most part, long-term recovery is as much about relearning how to commit yourself to sobriety and develop your own personalized toolkit…

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Pinpointing a Panic Attack Onset

Pinpointing a panic attack onset

An estimated 2.7 percent of American adults experience a panic attack in a given year, and nearly 5 percent of people experience panic attacks in their lives. Panic attacks are more common than we previously thought, and may still be underdiagnosed in men. Unlike generalized anxiety or a case of phobia, a panic attack is an acute…

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Untreated ADHD in Adults: What are the Risks?

Untreated adhd in adults: what are the risks

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition with a long and controversial history, especially in recent times. Often considered over-diagnosed or overmedicated, ADHD is a condition that has grown steeply in diagnostic rates among children over the last two decades, with dramatic headlines about ADHD epidemics, long-term effects of ADHD, untreated ADHD in adults,…

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How Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Interlink

How Co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse interlink

The link between a co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse is incredibly strong. Surveys show that about half of all people with a severe mental health disorder are also struggling with a substance use disorder. Furthermore, well over a third of people addicted to alcohol and well over half of people addicted to drugs have at least one other…

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