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Residential Treatment for Mental Health: Is It for You? 

When you finally come to a place in life where you know that it is time to address your mental illness, it can be tough to know where to turn. There are so many different options available that seeking treatment can be overwhelming. And the fear of the unknown is likely wildly running through your thoughts which makes everything that much harder.  


Gaining insight into what is available and what you may be able to expect can help you to make an informed decision regarding your treatment – and help bring you a sense of peace about it.  


One of the healthiest and most effective tools for finding balance again includes residential treatment for mental health. Is it for you? Let’s talk about it.  


What is Residential Treatment for Mental Health?  

Residential treatment for mental health is a type of treatment in which clients reside together at a specific location, often a large residence. It is comfortable and peaceful, allowing one to have access to the mental health professionals they need without giving up the surroundings of home. It is an intensive and highly effective treatment option.  


Residential treatment for mental health should never get confused with inpatient treatment. While they sound similar, they are actually quite different.  


Inpatient treatment involves a short-term stay at a facility, often similar to a hospital-type setting. The treatment here is focused on the present crisis and getting the individual stabilized, rather than looking at a long-term treatment. Medical intervention is often involved, as well.  


Residential treatment offers more of a long-term approach in a residential setting that focuses on getting to the root cause of a mental health condition while using therapeutic treatments to find balance and healing. Residential treatment for mental health helps to prepare clients for life after the completion of the program.  


Benefits of Residential Treatment for Mental Health 

Each client will have their own reasons for choosing residential treatment for their mental health struggles, but nearly all will agree that there are many benefits to doing so. A few of them include:  


Comfortable Surroundings

It is a lot easier to focus on healing your mind and body when you are in a home-like environment. This establishes feelings of comfort and security, unlike treatment in hospital-type facilities.  


Specialized, Evidenced-based Treatment

Clients will undergo professional, evidenced-based treatment in a residential setting. These treatments have proven to be highly effective.   


Non-stop Care

Residential treatment facilities provide round-the-clock care. And, they have access to mental health professionals 24 hours a day.  


More Freedom

The point of a residential treatment facility is not to keep you on lockdown but to help you navigate life. And, in doing so, there will be times when you may have a cell phone and communicate with those outside of the program.  


Re-integration is a Primary Focus

Re-integrating back into the community and conquering daily life skills is a huge part of this type of program.  


Access to Different Treatment Methods and Modalities

Clients who seek help at certain residential treatment facilities will be able to benefit from different types of treatment. This may include art therapy, yoga, acupuncture, individual therapy, group therapy, animal-assisted or equine therapy, drama therapy, dance or movement therapy, meditation therapy, narrative therapy, EMDR therapy, neurofeedback, and massage, as well as others.  


What to Expect with Residential Treatment   

There are so many false visions that are formed about what this type of treatment includes. For instance, you should know that you won’t be locked up in a padded room, cut off from your family for months at a time, numbingly medicated, or undergoing therapy 24/7. 


If this is what you are imagining, then you will be pleasantly surprised by the truth.  


With residential treatment for mental health, you will continue to live life in a supportive environment. You will find yourself surrounded by peers, as well as specialized doctors, therapists, and mental health experts.  


This is a very brief overview of what you may expect in residential treatment for mental health:  


Upon your arrival, you can expect to have many of the comforts of home without being at home. You don’t bring everything with you – just some comfortable clothes and shoes, a few personal effects (such as pictures of loved ones), personal hygiene items, any medications you take, and so on. You will have to ask whether or not you are able to bring your cell phone, laptop, tablet, etc.  


You can expect to go over your goals for treatment – and determine ways you can work toward meeting them. Don’t worry, you won’t have to do this alone, but with a mental health expert.  


Another expectation should be to learn the daily routine of the facility. Residential treatment almost always comes with structure 


While here, you will spend a lot of time working on your treatment and healing, but you will have some downtime, too. This allows you to socialize with your peers, reflect, and create a solid foundation for growth and healing along your journey.  


Is Residential Treatment for Mental Health For You? 


Although each one will vary, most residential treatment facilities are often equipped to treat patients with all types of mental health conditions, such as:  


  • Depression 
  • Anxiety disorder 
  • Trauma  
  • PTSD 


If you think that a residential treatment facility sounds like the ideal option for you, then find one that fits your needs.  


Learn More About Residential Treatment for Mental Health 


Sometimes mental health conditions become such a burden on everyday life – and the quality of that life. There is freedom in seeking help. For some, that involves a type of outpatient treatment. For others, residential treatment for mental health can be a life-changing decision.  


At Amend Treatment, we offer different types of whole-body treatments to best meet the needs of our clients – including residential treatment for mental health.  


If you would like to learn more or see how what we offer can benefit you, contact us today! 

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