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Health Check: Addressing PTSD and Men’s Health This June

Health Check: Addressing PTSD and Men’s Health This June

Beginning a conversation around mental health is never easy, especially when the idea that mental health issues aren’t real or lesser than physical problems has been internalized. Breaking the stereotype that therapy is for the weak, or that real men don’t need help to sort out their personal problems can be difficult.

It can help to take the language that men already know and understand, and turning it around – reframing the idea of therapy not as a cry for help, but as an action that demands agency, and shows that a man is taking control over the problems in their life by doing something about them, for the sake of their loved ones, and those that depend on them.

Going to therapy or visiting Amend Treatment about a PTSD screening goes from being something a husband might do to placate his wife’s concerns, to being the first step on a mission to become a stronger, healthier, and more reliable protector, provider, and partner.

This month, let’s acknowledge Men’s Health Month and PTSD Awareness Month by taking a look at the importance of screening for mental health problems, especially among men, and sharing resources of support and treatment between friends and family members.

Importance of Screening for Mental Wellbeing

When should we worry about a loved one’s mental health – or even our own? Mental wellbeing can be difficult to define, and it’s normal to feel stressed, sad, or even anxious in certain situations. But when a person consistently struggles to live their life because of the way they feel or the things they think, then it might be time to ask for help.

But many people can mask the way they’re feeling, and cope with their feelings in ways that might not necessarily be healthy but are still effective in the short-term. This means that many who would be better off receiving professional help and treatment end up struggling in silence.

This is especially true for men, who are less likely to self-report mental health problems or acknowledge changes in their behavior after a traumatic event. Men are more likely to internalize the stigma around mental health problems, and often don’t want to be perceived as weak, nor worry their loved ones, despite a personal struggle with their mental wellbeing.

Unfortunately, mental health conditions like PTSD can and do affect us, even if we don’t acknowledge them. Undiagnosed and under-recognized conditions like PTSD can cause men to experience changes in mood, irritability, and even anxiety levels. They might become more reactive, withdrawn, or avoid places and people.

While women report more suicidal thoughts and ideation, men die by suicide about four times as often as their counterparts, and are much more likely to die by drug overdose or alcohol-related deaths.

Supporting the Men in Our Lives

This Men’s Health Month, make a point of talking to the men in your life about the benefits and importance of addressing mental wellbeing before conditions like PTSD affect and even deteriorate the relationships between loved ones.

It’s important for men to realize and understand that acknowledging a mental health issue is never a matter of weakness, but rather a journey that calls for true strength, and shows a brave heart.


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