Depression and Substance Abuse Treatment
Are you struggling with depression and substance abuse?
If so, we can help. Amend Treatment is a leading provider of mental health and substance abuse treatment services in Malibu, California. We offer comprehensive care for adults struggling with co-occurring disorders. Our team of highly trained professionals will work closely with you to develop an individualized plan that meets your specific needs.
You’ll be able to live a life free from drugs and alcohol while working toward long-term recovery goals that are right for you – whether it’s getting back into school, finding employment opportunities, or reconnecting with family members who may have felt alienated during your struggle. With Amend Treatment on your side, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish! Let us help you get started today!
Take the first step today and call Amend Treatment at (833) 912-6363 to learn more about depression and substance abuse treatment.
People with depression may attempt to self-medicate uncomfortable symptoms with alcohol or other drugs. This can result in co-occurring disorders involving depression and substance abuse, which is dangerous.
Individuals who suffer from depression but do not receive treatment often self-medicate using alcohol or drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, cigarettes, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and opioids—leading to the possibility of depression and substance abuse. These substances may be used periodically or habitually.
Depression can affect anyone at any age, male or female. Major Depressive Disorder can occur independently while others may be causes by specific events, such as Postpartum Depression or Seasonal Pattern Depression. Some depression causes physical problems. People suffering from depression have a higher rate of suicide. Depression may be caused by physical problems that need medical treatment both to relieve the depression and to treat the physical problem.
Everyone responds differently when faced with depression, so self-help is not always successful in treating depression. Depression and substance abuse treatment may involve both psychotherapy and medication.

depression and substance abuse
Symptoms of Depression and Substance Abuse
As with most mental health conditions, there is a wide range of depression and substance use disorder symptoms. These symptoms will affect people differently based on the individual.
The most common symptoms of co-occurring disorders involving depression and substance use disorder involve the following:
- Feeling down, hopeless, or worthless
- Increase in tolerance to alcohol and other drugs
- Increase in the use of substances
- Lack of pleasure in daily activities
- Isolation from friends and family
- Insomnia, restlessness, or excessively long periods of sleep
- Physical aches and pains with no known cause
- Loss of appetite or overeating
- Inability to concentrate or make decisions
- Feeling guilty all the time
- Suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts
People experiencing symptoms of depression and substance use disorder will often experience one or more of the symptoms above at any given time. If you suspect you may be experiencing depression and substance abuse symptoms, contact your team of mental health professionals today.
People with depression and substance abuse disorders are at risk of serious health problems.
People struggling with depression often turn to certain substances, such as alcohol or other drugs, in an effort to numb uncomfortable feelings. In fact, an estimated 14.8 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder. This is dangerous and actually perpetuates depression symptoms. Turning to alcohol to numb the feeling of depression will increase depression symptoms, as alcohol is a depressant. This will cause the individual to drink more, which increases tolerance and eventually causes the individual to seek more and move over time.
Some of the most common risks involved with depression and substance abuse include the following:
- Accidental overdose
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Seizure
- Respiratory depression
- Coma
- Death
In addition, individuals who struggle with co-occurring disorders involving depression and substance abuse may experience consequences.
The most common consequences involve the following:
- Violence
- Accidental injury (to yourself or others)
- Financial problems
- Legal problems
- Social problems
In order to be diagnosed with depression and substance abuse co-occurring disorders, an individual must experience symptoms of both depression and substance use disorder simultaneously.
A mental health professional may ask questions to determine depression and substance abuse separately. The assessment is a critical step in developing the best plan forward. In most cases, a mental health professional will use a combination of interviews, questionnaires, and rating scales to make an accurate diagnosis.
Depression and substance use disorder treatment will vary depending on the severity of the co-occurring disorders.
In most cases, individuals struggling with these co-occurring disorders will start the treatment process by receiving psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a type of talk therapy that helps people understand and change their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
There are several types of psychotherapy available, including the following:
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Behavioral therapy
- Cognitive therapy
Medication may also be prescribed to help treat depression and substance use disorder symptoms.
Education is also an important part of treatment. Individuals and their families will learn about depression and substance abuse, what to look for in regards to relapse prevention, and how to best support the person with co-occurring disorders.
Depression and Substance Abuse Treatment at Amend Treatment
Are you ready to overcome both depression and substance abuse?
Amend Treatment is here to help. We’re a leading mental health facility in Malibu, California, that provides residential depression and substance abuse treatment.
We provide comprehensive therapy for people dealing with co-occurring issues. Our staff of highly trained specialists will collaborate with you to create a customized strategy that is tailored to your specific demands.
We’ll help you identify the root of the problem, provide you with the education and tools you need to overcome depression and substance abuse cravings, and stay sober for years to come.
With Amend Treatment on your side, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish! Let us help you get started today!
Take the first step today and call Amend Treatment at (833) 912-6363 to learn more about depression and substance abuse treatment.