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mania vs depression - amend treatment

Mania vs Depression: Similarities and Differences 

Mania vs depression is the battle of intense shifts in mood often found with bipolar disorder. Other than the fact that they come in varying frequencies, there are not many similarities at all. Mania includes extreme highs and depression has extreme lows. The right treatment can help them find a balance between both.  


Mania vs. depression — just how similar and different are they?  


Stemming from high to low, both are mood changes that are typically seen with bipolar disorder. This mental illness and chronic mood disorder can be a struggle to carry throughout life without the right treatment. 


Let’s take a closer look at the mania vs. depression that is present with bipolar disorder and the treatment that can help manage its impact on daily life.    


Mania vs Depression: Bipolar Disorder 

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that involves shifts in mood, between episodes of mania and depression. These highs and lows are often extreme and can impact all areas of life, including one’s mood, behavior, activity engagement, and energy.  


Formerly known as manic-depressive, this condition is chronic. Thankfully, with the right treatment, those who have been diagnosed with the condition are able to live a happy, healthy, successful life.  

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder 

When it comes to mania vs. depression, there are two sets of symptoms with bipolar disorder. This is because they are two very different moods. Here is a closer look.  

Symptoms of Mania 

  • Increased energy 
  • Little need for sleep 
  • Impulsivity 
  • Rapid speech 
  • Inability to focus or concentrate 
  • Increased risk of drug or alcohol use/abuse 
  • Increased sex drive 


Symptoms of Depression

  • Feelings of hopelessness and sadness 
  • Lack of energy 
  • Changes in appetite 
  • Changes in sleeping patterns 
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Slow speech 
  • Lack of energy 
  • Thoughts of death or suicide 
  • Attempts at suicide 


Who is at Risk for Bipolar Disorder?  

Anyone can get bipolar disorder. It affects millions of adults throughout the United States, with most getting their diagnosis somewhere between their later teen years and their twenties. However, it can occur at any age.  


Individuals who seem to be at greater risk for the condition are those who have:  


  • A family history of bipolar disorder 
  • A history of drug use or substance abuse, including alcohol 
  • Experienced a traumatic event at some point in their lives 


Research also shows that there may be differences in the structure and function of the brain that could lead to bipolar disorder.  


Mania vs Depression: Similarities 

The similarities between mania and depression are very minimal. They are both required for a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. And, they both come in episodes that appear at various frequencies throughout the year, often with four or more mood changes within a 12-month period.   


The episodes for each can vary in length. For some, each episode may last several days or several months.  


So while they differ in how often they appear, they both do this — making it the only real similarity between the two.  


Mania vs Depression: Differences 

While the similarities are slim, the differences between mania vs. depression are vast. After all, they are on two very different sides of a coin. Let’s break them down a bit.  

Thoughts and Feelings 

With mania, thoughts and feelings are positive and elated. They will feel good and unstoppable — sometimes with a rush of thoughts that are hard to keep organized. This can lead to some irritability.  


Depression involves thoughts and feelings like hopelessness, worthlessness, and sadness. Those with this condition may feel as though everything is their fault. Concentration and focus are hard to come by — and making decisions just isn’t going to happen.  


Depression also comes with an increased risk of thoughts of death and suicide.  

Sleep Patterns 

There is a very significant difference between sleep patterns of mania vs. depression. Those in a manic phase often require very little sleep and are not impacted when they don’t get much shut-eye at all.  


Depression, on the other hand, can lead to sleeping too much or having trouble falling or staying asleep. These individuals are always tired.  


Mania comes with a burst of energy and trying to fit everything into a day. These individuals often have too much to say and do and not enough time for it. Speech may be rushed and pressured and the senses are, too.  


Getting through a day is tough with depression. It generally comes with a lack of energy and lack of interest in doing anything even so. Changes in eating habits and withdrawing socially are also common.  


Depression often presents with slow, soft speech with unclear thoughts.  


Although it varies from person to person, mania phases do not often last as long as the cycles of depression.  


Treatment for Bipolar Disorder at Amend Treatment

There is no cure for bipolar disorder as symptoms can continue throughout life. The good news is that they can be successfully managed with the right care team, allowing you to lead a healthy, thriving life.  


A group of experienced mental health professionals can guide you through getting the most effective treatment. A combination of psychotherapy and medication seems to be the best option for most clients looking for relief.  


Psychotherapy can help patients to deal with their moods, feelings, and thoughts. It can also provide coping skills to get through each of the highs and lows without it taking over their life. Varying types of psychotherapy may be used based on the patient.  


As for medications, there are several different options. Each has side effects that can be unpleasant, making it necessary to be monitored by your team.  


The luxurious residential facility at Amend Treatment gives you the perfect place to work on your mental health while under the care of a highly skilled team of professionals.  


Are you or someone you love suffering from bipolar disorder? If so, Amend Treatment’s tranquil surroundings may be exactly what is needed. We offer the latest treatment options and will create a personalized plan just for you.  


Contact us today to learn more about finding a balance between mania vs. depression.  

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