Luxury Treatment Center for Co-Occurring Mental Disorders
Substance use disorder affects an estimated 59 million Americans and countless families. Studies also show, about half the people struggling with a mental health disorder also have a substance use disorder. Yet, despite how pervasive and overwhelming it can be, both are ultimately treatable. However, treatment is not always readily available. Only an estimated 18.5 percent of people who struggle with substance use get the help they need, whether it’s through an outpatient group treatment program or a residential treatment process, such as a luxury treatment center for co occurring mental disorders.
Both seeking treatment for mental health and going through the process of recovery are not simple, nor is it easy. Relapse rates are high, especially in the first year, and many people relapse repeatedly. But the further along someone is in their recovery process, the less likely they are to relapse – and the better they become at managing their cravings and stressors, coping with their past, and denying their substance use any influence on the future.
Finding the right treatment path can be a journey in and of itself. Some people are best served with a simple outpatient program that demands of them no more than ten or twelve hours of therapy and commitment a week. They check in, receive care, and get back to work.
Others, however, need more dedicated treatment. Inpatient programs, such as residential treatment programs, help individuals separate themselves from the stressors that contribute to their mental health and substance use disorder. Some inpatient therapy programs are bare-bones and provide a community-based group therapy experience. Others are more individual while offering a variety of luxury amenities, albeit at a higher price tag.
Residential treatment centers help remove clients from the environments that trigger their cravings, from the associations that urge them to go back to drinking or using, and from the mental ties they’ve made over time with their habit.
Inpatient residential programs help break the cycle and give clients a chance to make a fresh start while providing them with ample resources to learn to manage their irritability and mood swings, cope with their cravings, address the root causes of their problems, and learn to treat their co-occurring symptoms – such as self-harm and depression – if any persist.
What is a Luxury Treatment Center?
A luxury treatment center is an inpatient treatment program catering to clients who would prefer the trappings of a luxury resort or vacation experience, in addition to their treatment for mental health and co-occurring mental disorders like anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc.
As a term, “luxury treatment” belies the inherently true nature of treating substance use and any co-occurring mental disorders. Yes, luxury treatment spaces will usually come with better amenities, from the services of a professional chef and team catering to a number of different dietary choices, to adventurous outings in nature, a range of modalities, various optional treatment courses, a larger private space, and a better staff-to-client ratio… But treating both is still challenging.
Clients will need to attend frequent group meetings and therapy sessions. They may need to submit regular coursework on their personal progress during treatment, adopt and develop their coping skills, and prove their ability to manage and continue their sobriety in a self-sufficient manner.
They will continue to work with psychiatric and medical professionals in and out of treatment to monitor their recovery and address the factors that led to the onset of their mental health problems and co-occurring disorders.
The heart and soul of every luxury treatment facility are the very same as that of any other outpatient clinic or inpatient psychiatric hospital – to help those who need it. Where they differ, by and large, is the comfort in between each moment of therapy, self-actualization, and reconciliation, how that comfort plays a role in the effectiveness of the program for each individual client, and the price tag attached to it.
How Does Luxury Treatment Affect Recovery?
While treating substance use may be difficult with or without wealth, luxury mental health treatment facilities are undoubtedly different from other conventional or state-run facilities. These private treatment spaces are often likened to resorts, and the comparison is apt in many ways.
Several prominent spaces opened up over the last fifty years, catering especially to celebrity clients and the addicted family members of America’s upper class. With all that wealth comes a privilege in treatment – these facilities pool the money needed to employ qualified personnel to run a kitchen serving only locally-sourced organic meals, multiple gyms, and different fitness classes, pools, yoga rooms, and more.
From the outside looking in, luxury treatment spaces are emblematic of the inequality that sets the US apart from other developed countries. But at their core, these spaces manage to provide a treatment plan for multiple generations of teens and adults who, in their own way, were failed by their peers and families, who did not receive the care or help they needed in other places, and who see the best chance at recovery through a program that matches their privilege.
Is Treatment a Failsafe?
Luxury treatment centers are not a failsafe solution against substance use or a co-occurring disorder. There is still a lot of work to be done – not just by the client but by their family members and friends, as well.
Many luxury treatment centers place a special emphasis on family therapy and ongoing treatment involving a client’s peers and closest relationships. The idea is that people who have had an influence on a client their entire lives and will continue to play the greatest roles in their recovery should be included in their professional treatment as well.
Relapses are common for a number of biological and sociological reasons. For one, many people are set up to fail when they return from a bare-bones treatment. If the treatment process did not successfully prepare them for the transition into their regular day-to-day life, the return to form could be enough of a shock to push them back toward old habits. Being unprepared for stress, lacking any effective coping skills to replace substance use, or lacking the motivation to continue sobriety can also affect a client’s ability to stay on the wagon.
Luxury treatment centers for co-occurring mental disorders often try to minimize these risk factors by making the transition back into day-to-day life a major part of the treatment process (e.g., an aftercare program). But relapses can still happen. It is important to see them as part of the process – an opportunity to learn from the experience and determine what led to any – and a sign that more time, more patience, and more treatment are needed.
Treatment for Co-Occurring Mental Disorders
If you or someone you know is looking for help in managing and treating co-occurring mental disorders, get in touch with Amend Treatment in Malibu.
We provide specialized, high-quality holistic residential therapy for treating mental and co-occurring behavioral health within a comfortable and luxurious environment.