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aftercare program


free, quality aftercare services

We are focused exclusively on providing the best quality residential care available. Our attention is on each client’s round-the-clock recovery needs with the goal of a successful transition home. Our experiences, supported by numerous studies, suggest that sustainable treatment results are enhanced by effective aftercare services. Therefore, rather than channeling our clients into outpatient or extended care programs, we support each client’s successful discharge and return home with free, quality aftercare services.


"As with treatment plans, every aftercare plan is individualized and based on each client’s unique needs and objectives."



Aftercare is so important to us that we provide a structured, free of charge, follow-up program as a complement to each person’s post-discharge continued care plan. These services can be provided in person, telephonically, or via teleconferencing. As with treatment plans, every aftercare plan is individualized and based on each client’s unique needs and objectives. Our aftercare services are designed to provide personal support as each client reintegrates into family, friends, work, school, community, and commitments. As you reconnect with or make new connections with community-based providers and support systems, our aftercare program acts to smooth the transition by providing continued contact with a member of the Amend treatment team.
At Amend Treatment, from the moment you begin treatment, your life at home, after your residential care, remains the center point of all that we do. Every aspect of your residential care and aftercare is designed to provide you with skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to your life and sustained recovery outside of treatment. For all who complete their course of residential care, our aftercare includes, but is not limited to, follow-up calls, referrals, family support sessions, and alumni group meetings with our aftercare team.


transition to

aftercare program

Many clients prefer an initial period of intensive aftercare services alongside their transition to local services. Others prefer fewer services, longer term. Some prefer to forego a formal aftercare plan and to utilize support services as needed. Regardless of the framework of each aftercare plan, the goal remains the same, for the authentic relationships and support to be available for each client’s sustained recovery and supported wellness into their life, relationships, and interests.

aftercare for mental health
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