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Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Woman doing Somatic experiencing therapy in her Health Studio - Amend Treatment

Somatic Experiencing Therapy is a type of body-oriented therapy that is used to treat trauma and other stress-related disorders. It focuses on the physical sensations of the body to help individuals regulate their nervous system and resolve traumatic memories.
This page will provide information about somatic experiencing therapy, including what it is and how it works. Our goal is to help individuals understand this therapy modality and the potential benefits it can offer for those struggling with trauma and stress-related disorders. Whether you are considering therapy for yourself or a loved one, this page will give you a comprehensive overview of somatic experiencing therapy and its role in the field of mental health and wellness.


What is Somatic Experiencing Therapy?

Somatic Experiencing Therapy is a type of body-oriented therapy that is used to treat trauma and other stress-related disorders. It was developed by Peter Levine and is based on the idea that physical sensations play a crucial role in the healing process for individuals who have experienced trauma.

Somatic Experiencing therapy focuses on the physical sensations of the body as a way to help individuals regulate their nervous system and resolve traumatic memories. The therapist works with the individual to become more aware of and attuned to their bodily sensations, which can lead to increased feelings of safety, control, and well-being.


Goal of the Therapy

The goal of somatic experiencing therapy is to help individuals regulate their nervous system and resolve traumatic memories, leading to improved overall well-being. By focusing on the physical sensations of the body, the therapy helps individuals feel more safe, in control, and empowered, allowing them to overcome trauma and other stress-related disorders.


How Does Somatic Experiencing Therapy Work?


Awareness and Attunement to Bodily Sensations

Somatic Experiencing Therapy helps individuals become more aware of and attuned to their bodily sensations. This increased awareness allows individuals to regulate their nervous system, which can help resolve traumatic memories.


Regulation of the Nervous System

By focusing on the physical sensations of the body, somatic experiencing therapy helps individuals regulate their nervous system. This regulation can lead to improved overall well-being and a reduction in symptoms related to trauma and stress-related disorders.


Resolving Traumatic Memories

Somatic Experiencing Therapy aims to help individuals resolve traumatic memories by focusing on the physical sensations of the body. By working with a therapist to become more attuned to their bodily sensations, individuals can regulate their nervous system and resolve traumatic memories, leading to increased feelings of safety, control, and well-being.


What Does a Somatic Therapist Do?


Role of the Therapist in the Therapy

A somatic therapist plays a crucial role in the therapy process. They work with individuals to help them become more aware of and attuned to their bodily sensations. The therapist provides support and guidance as individuals regulate their nervous system and resolve traumatic memories.


Qualifications and Training of a Somatic Therapist

A somatic therapist must have specialized training and qualifications in somatic experiencing therapy. This includes completion of a comprehensive training program, as well as ongoing professional development to maintain their knowledge and skills in the field. It is important to choose a therapist who is qualified and experienced in somatic experiencing therapy to ensure the best possible outcome for the individual receiving therapy.


Woman undergoing Somatic experiencing therapy in her Health Studio - amend treatment

What Happens in Somatic Experiencing Therapy?



Somatic Experiencing therapy is a process that involves working with a therapist to become more aware of and attuned to your bodily sensations. The therapist will guide you through a process of regulating your nervous system and resolving traumatic memories.


Techniques Used in Somatic Experiencing Therapy

The techniques used in somatic experiencing therapy vary depending on the individual and their specific needs. Common techniques include focusing on physical sensations, breathing exercises, and guided visualization. The therapist will work with the individual to determine the best techniques for their specific needs.


Duration and Frequency of Therapy Sessions

The duration and frequency of therapy sessions vary depending on the individual and their specific needs. Typically, therapy sessions last between 50 and 90 minutes, and may be held once or twice a week. The therapist will work with the individual to determine the best schedule and frequency of therapy sessions to achieve the best possible outcome.


Four Somatic Practices

The Four Somatic Practices are:

  • Awareness of physical sensations
  • Regulation of the nervous system
  • Resolving traumatic memories
  • Incorporating mindfulness into daily life

Awareness of Physical Sensations: Somatic experiencing therapy focuses on helping individuals become more aware of and attuned to their bodily sensations. This increased awareness allows individuals to regulate their nervous system and resolve traumatic memories.

Regulation of the Nervous System: By focusing on physical sensations, somatic experiencing therapy helps individuals regulate their nervous system, leading to improved overall well-being.

Resolving Traumatic Memories: Somatic experiencing therapy aims to help individuals resolve traumatic memories by focusing on physical sensations and regulating the nervous system.

Incorporating Mindfulness into Daily Life: Somatic experiencing therapy incorporates mindfulness into daily life, helping individuals maintain the benefits of therapy even after therapy sessions have ended.


Benefits of Incorporating Somatic Practices into Therapy

Incorporating somatic practices into therapy can lead to increased feelings of safety, control, and well-being, as well as improved regulation of the nervous system. These practices can also help individuals resolve traumatic memories and maintain the benefits of therapy even after therapy sessions have ended.


Can Somatic Experiencing Therapy Help Treat Depression and Anxiety?

Depression and anxiety are common mental health conditions that can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Depression is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and low energy, while anxiety is characterized by feelings of worry, fear, and nervousness.

Somatic Experiencing Therapy has the potential to help treat depression and anxiety by regulating the nervous system and resolving traumatic memories. By becoming more aware of and attuned to their bodily sensations, individuals can improve their overall well-being and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. However, it is important to speak with a mental health professional to determine the best treatment options for your specific needs and circumstances.


Benefits of Somatic Experiencing Therapy for Mental Health


Improved Regulation of the Nervous System

Somatic experiencing therapy can help improve regulation of the nervous system by focusing on the physical sensations of the body. This regulation can lead to reduced symptoms of trauma and stress-related disorders, as well as improved overall well-being.


Increased Feelings of Safety, Control, and Well-Being

By becoming more aware of and attuned to their bodily sensations, individuals can experience increased feelings of safety, control, and well-being. This can lead to a reduction in symptoms related to trauma and stress-related disorders.


Resolution of Traumatic Memories

Somatic experiencing therapy aims to help individuals resolve traumatic memories by focusing on physical sensations and regulating the nervous system. This resolution can lead to improved overall well-being and a reduction in symptoms related to trauma and stress-related disorders.


Is Somatic Experiencing Therapy Right for You?


Considerations for Choosing Somatic Experiencing Therapy

When considering somatic experiencing therapy, it is important to take into account your specific needs and circumstances. Some factors to consider include the severity and type of trauma or stress-related disorder you are experiencing, as well as your personal preferences and comfort level with different types of therapy.


Importance of Speaking with a Mental Health Professional

It is important to speak with a mental health professional to determine the best treatment options for your specific needs and circumstances. A mental health professional can help you understand the potential benefits and risks of somatic experiencing therapy and determine if it is the right choice for you. They can also provide support and guidance as you navigate the therapy process.


Somatic Experiencing Treatment at Amend Treatment

Somatic experiencing therapy is a type of body-oriented therapy that can help individuals regulate their nervous system, resolve traumatic memories, and improve overall well-being. By focusing on the physical sensations of the body, somatic experiencing therapy can lead to increased feelings of safety, control, and well-being, as well as reduced symptoms of trauma and stress-related disorders.

If you are considering therapy for trauma, stress-related disorders, or other mental health conditions, we encourage you to consider somatic experiencing therapy at Amend Treatment. Our team of qualified and experienced therapists is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their best possible outcome and improve their overall well-being. Contact us today to learn more about somatic experiencing therapy and how it can benefit you.


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