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6 Helpful Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

A patient experiencing the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy

While we have a lot left to learn when it comes to addressing the quality of mental healthcare throughout the world, we’re further along than we have ever been. Decades of research and rigorous clinical study have led to milestone developments in mental healthcare over the past century, enabling millions of people diagnosed with lifelong…

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12 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

A woman looking for ways to reduce stress through gardening

Stress accumulates. No matter how we try to minimize it, it piles up over time and becomes a problem, both mentally and physically. And the more we try to live up to our own expectations and adhere to the responsibilities we have, the faster it builds up. Overcoming these stressors is an important factor for…

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What is Bipolar Depression? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is bipolar depression

What is bipolar depression or bipolar disorder? It is a mood disorder characterized by episodic symptoms of depression (low mood) and mania (high mood). In both cases, these episodes are debilitating, with symptoms ranging from lack of joy and loss of motivation to illusions of grandeur, restlessness, and extreme irritability. Bipolar disorder affects roughly 2.2…

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How to Cope With Anxiety and Depression

A woman learning how to cope with anxiety and depression by jogging

Anxiety and depression are the most diagnosed mental health problems in the country. An estimated 19 percent of US adults have experienced an anxiety disorder in the past year, and about 7.8 percent of US adults have had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. Like any mental health issue, learning how to…

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The Most Effective Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

The most effective treatment for bipolar disorder can differ from other mood disorders. Bipolar disorder is characterized by shifts in mood between a manic and neutral, or manic, neutral, and depressed state. On the other hand, most mood disorders are characterized primarily by symptoms of depression, or low mood. And while treatment for most mood disorders involves…

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