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EMDR vs Somatic Experiencing Therapy: What You Need to Know

emdr vs somatic experiencing therapy - amend treatment

Welcome to Amend Treatment, a mental health and wellness treatment center dedicated to helping individuals overcome trauma and stress-related disorders. In this blog post, we will explore the differences and similarities between two popular trauma-focused therapies: EMDR and Somatic Experiencing Therapy. By comparing EMDR vs Somatic Experiencing Therapy, we aim to provide valuable insights that…

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How to Know When to Seek Help for Anxiety

When to seek help for anxiety - Amend Treatment

Anxiety is a natural stress response and can be a normal part of life. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming and affects daily functioning, it may be time to seek help. Knowing when to seek help for anxiety can be difficult for many individuals, but it is a vital step towards recovery and improved quality of…

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Understanding Nutrition and Mental Health

Are You What You Eat? Nutrition and Mental Health This March

It’s an age-old adage, yet one that modern medicine has more than vindicated; nutrition and mental health are linked, and real food plays a significant role in a person’s physical and mental well-being. Most of us learn that the food we consume is digested by the body and converted into energy and the building blocks…

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5 Acupuncture Benefits for Mental Health

acupuncture benefits for mental health - amend treatment

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. This therapy has gained popularity recently as a complementary treatment for mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. At Amend Treatment, we offer acupuncture therapy as part of our comprehensive approach to mental health care, as…

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Why is Women’s Mental Health Important?

Young multiracial latina women's mental health meditation session - Amend Treatment

Given that March is National Women’s History Month, the question ‘Why is Women’s Mental Health Important?’ is pertinent to current mental health and wellness discourse. Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, and women’s mental health, particularly, is a topic that deserves attention. Women face unique challenges and pressures that can impact their…

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