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Kaitlin Robinson, M.A., LMFT (112809)

Guided Imagery

Kaitlin Robinson is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who received her Master of Arts education in Marriage and Family Therapy from Antioch University. Over her years of experience, Kaitlin has come to specialize in the use of Guided Imagery and other relaxation methods as a therapeutic intervention for clients who are experiencing social, emotional, and behavioral challenges that are impacting their professional and personal lives. She brings years of experience in residential treatment as well as in a successful private practice supporting clients and their loved ones as they move through trauma, mood disorders, pain, loss, and grief.

Kaitlin has developed a platform designed to boost self-esteem and promote self-actualization. Her approach is based on various modalities grounded in neuroscience, psychology, and EMDR-inspired techniques. She brings her unique formulation into her guided imagery and visualization groups to allow for healing on a subconscious level, affecting the neural network and aiding in the release of looping, negative, and limiting beliefs.
When she’s not busy with her therapeutic practices, Kaitlin enjoys honing her watercolor painting skills, writing for various publications, photography, and travel. Her goal, for herself and others, is to promote authenticity of self to best support living a full and meaningful life.


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