Are There Different Types of Depression?
Are you battling one of the many different kinds of depression? Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness can be a heavy weight to carry — and they can cause you to lose interest in the things you once enjoyed. All types of depression are similar but different. Do you have Major Depressive Disorder? Atypical Depression? Seasonal Affective Disorder? Bipolar Disorder?
Are there different types of depression?
We have all been in a sad mood from time to time. Often, this is just situational. A bad day, the loss of a loved one, a breakup —- the list of culprits for sad moods can keep going and going. However, there is a big difference between general sadness and all types of depression.
Depression can show up in many different forms with many different symptoms. And one doesn’t always look like the other.
In this article, we will explore the different kinds of depression.
Types of Depression
Are there different types of depression? How many? We have an overview of seven of them listed below.
What you will notice is that there are a few things that different types of depression have in common, such as feelings of hopelessness, changes in sleep patterns, and lack of interest in things once enjoyed.
Yet, they are each a bit different.
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Perhaps one of the most well-known kinds of depression is major depressive disorder or MDD. Sometimes it has even been referred to as clinical depression.
Those who are experiencing it find themselves carrying a load of heavy emotions and symptoms like:
- Changes in appetite
- Changes in sleep patterns — sleeping too much or struggling with insomnia
- Fatigue
- Lack of interest in things once enjoyed
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and guilt
- Thoughts of death or suicide
To receive an MDD diagnosis, individuals must experience these symptoms for at least two weeks, consecutively.
Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)
Formerly known as dysthymia, persistent depressive disorder or PDD is one of the chronic types of depression. PDD often presents with symptoms that are not as severe as MDD, but are still very disruptive to life. What’s more, they stick around much longer.
As far as symptoms go, they are similar to all types of depression, including:
- Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and guilt
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Easily agitated
- Fatigue
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Changes in appetite and weight
- Loss of interest in things once enjoyed
- Poor self-esteem
This condition has been referred to as high-functioning depression. Many people will be impacted by it, but there is treatment available.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a little different than your typical depression as it is a mood disorder that has periods of both highs and lows. How significant these highs and lows are and the length and frequency of each episode will vary from person to person.
Those who have this condition will have a depressed mood and lose interest in things they once enjoyed. They also may experience:
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Hopelessness
- Low self-esteem
- Physical aches and pain
- Indecisiveness
- Hallucinations or delusions
This type of depression doesn’t come alone. Not only is there a cycle of highs and lows, but it also comes with an increased risk of suicide.
Seeking treatment for bipolar disorder is imperative.
Postpartum Depression (PPD)
There are so many hormones involved in pregnancy that can bring changes to the mind and body — and that includes a new mother’s mood. Postpartum depression or PPD is just one of the many kinds of depression. Except this one has an onset either during pregnancy or after giving birth.
Common symptoms of PPD include:
- Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and guilt
- Changes in appetite
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Significant mood changes
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Presence of anxiety and panic
- Loss of interest in things once enjoyed
- Social withdraw
- Difficulty bonding with baby
Many women experience all types of emotions after their baby is born — and some may look like depression. Those associated with PPD last longer and are usually more severe.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Most women suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in some form, such as bloating, feeling tired, moody, cravings, etc. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is similar but more severe and pervasive.
Symptoms include:
- Inability to concentrate
- Mood swings
- Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness
- Food cravings or binges
- Easily irritated
- Extreme fatigue
- Severe anxiety
These feelings don’t always remain present but show up each month.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
As its name suggests, seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that often appears during the winter months. It has much of the same symptoms and impact as MDD, but it appears seasonally and disappears once springtime hits.
Those who live in northern, colder climates tend to see greater percentages of diagnoses for SAD than those in southern, more mild climates.
Atypical Depression
Atypical depression is one of the many kinds of depression, but it is a little different. This presents just like depression, but those heavy feelings of hopelessness and sadness can dissipate when faced with something fun and upbeat.
Symptoms include:
- Sleeping too much
- Eating too much
- Fatigue
- Severe, reactive mood swings
- Intense desire to feel included
Get Treatment For All Types of Depression Today
There is some good news — treatment is available for depression, regardless of the type. Our luxurious depression treatment center gives you a residential feel that is set apart from the rest of the world.
With a staff of experienced mental health professionals at Amend Treatment, we provide treatment options such as psychotherapy, medication, and various modalities. A personalized plan can be developed to get to the heart of your depression and help you overcome it.
Depression Treatment at Amend Treatment
Stop letting all types of depression weigh you down and negatively impact your quality of life — especially since there is help available.
At Amend Treatment, we can provide you with everything you need to focus on healing and reclaiming the joy in your life once again. Are there different types of depression that you are dealing with? Contact us today.