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make your mental health a priority this summer - amend treatment

5 Ways to Make Your Mental Health a Priority this Summer 

Are you ready to make your mental health a priority this summer?  


With the sun shining bright, the longer days often allow more time for adventures, socializing, and making memories. It is the perfect time of year to relax and refresh the mind and body.  


Many find the summer season to be a great time for a reset, too. A mid-year check-in, so to speak. So much time is spent throughout the year focusing on the priorities of daily life that we don’t often see how much our mental health is neglected.  


If you are ready for a change, here are 5 ways to make your mental health a priority this summer.  


1. Get Outside

There is just something wonderful about being outdoors during the summertime. The warm breeze and the fresh air can make you feel good. The sunshine itself can give your mental health a boost. After all, it has proven itself to be highly beneficial – especially for those struggling with depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).  


What makes the sun so good with its restorative and healing properties? A lot of this is thanks to vitamin D. Sure, this nutrient is vital for healthy cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal, and immune systems, but it can be incredible for mental health, too. 


In recent years, doctors and researchers are finding more and more that many people have deficiencies in this important vitamin, increasing the risk of physical and mental health issues, including depression, SAD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more.  


Make your mental health a priority this summer and get outside. Go for a bike ride, have a picnic at the park, or just pull up a chair and put your feet in the grass. Whatever will make you feel good outside, do it.  


2. Go For a Walk

A walk outdoors? Not only does it allow you the benefits from the sun, but it is also great for your physical health, too.  


Movement gets the blood flowing and keeps your body moving well. Taking this walk outdoors opens you up to fresh air and an opportunity to clear your mind and get lost in the world around you.  


As humans in our society, we spend a lot of time on our phones for one reason or another. And, this can be toxic for our mental health. Put the phones down and look up. Pay attention to the sights and sounds as you go on your walk. This is a great way to practice mindfulness and stay present in the moment.  


3. Have a Picnic Outdoors

Outdoor picnics are always a good time. The best part is that you can make them as casual or as formal as you would like. You can have sandwiches, chips, and fruit that you packed yourself – or that you picked up at a sandwich shop on the way. Or, you can open a nice bottle of wine and dine on a charcuterie board full of fine cheeses, olives, crackers, fruits, and more.  


What a way to make your mental health a priority this summer!  


A picnic outdoors isn’t so much about what you eat or where you have it. Rather, it is more about getting outside and enjoying the space you are in. Breathing in the fresh air. Watching the sights. Listening to the sounds. And, feeling the grassy earth beneath you.  


This is also the perfect time to let loose and reconnect with your younger self. Lie back on the picnic blanket and look at the clouds in the sky. Blow bubbles. Play frisbee. Read a book. Don’t look at the time. Just enjoy the outdoors and rejuvenate your mind.  


4. Spend Time with Old Friends

Being around others is a great way to make your mental health a priority this summer. Why not reach out to an old friend or someone you haven’t seen in a while?  


Socializing with old friends can make you feel good. Maybe it is a little bit of nostalgia or maybe it would be fulfilling a sense of longing you didn’t even know you had. Whatever the reason, re-sparking this connection could be just what you need.  


Need a great idea? Why not spend time together outdoors? Go for a stroll or a hike, have a picnic, sit on a park bench and catch up, or visit a great restaurant with outdoor seating. The choice is yours. Just choose something to do that gets you outdoors while enjoying the company.  


5. Partake in Local Outdoor Events

Communities love to come together during the summer months. Various festivals, farmer’s markets, garage sales, and more draw residents out of their homes and into the sunshine. And you should be one of them – your mental health will thank you.  


Not only do outdoor events give you something to do, but they can also help give your mind a break, too. What’s more, taking advantage of all the goods at the local farmer’s market means you will go home with fresh produce that will nourish your body. It’s a win-win.  


Treat your body well and make your mental health a priority this summer by adding local events to your calendar.  


Your Mental Health is a Priority at Amend Treatment 

Opening the door and stepping out into the summer sun can be transformative for your overall mental well-being. Taking it one step further and combining this time outdoors with professional treatment is a great way to make your mental health a priority this summer.  


At Amend Treatment, we not only address mental illness with proven therapeutic treatments but we also place a focus on overall wellness. We want our clients to find healing and growth in more ways than just addressing their mental health. And enjoying time outdoors is just one of the many ways a holistic approach is different from traditional mental health treatment.  


Learn more about how to take advantage of all your recovery options to make your mental health a priority this summer. Contact us today at (833) 875-2710. 

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